images/Natural%20Exfoliator%20%20Mask.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/Natural Exfoliator  Mask.jpg?width=1920&height=1440

Instead of spending lots of money on products that may not even work for our skin, we can make a natural cream at home with only two ingredients: organic virgin coconut oil and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).

Coconut oil and baking soda are highly effective in soothing, nurturing, cleansing, balancing, moisturizing, and healing our skin! 

Our largest organ is the skin. Why use skin care products with chemicals and additives that are directly absorbed into our bodies? 

When mixed together, coconut oil and baking soda work very well in treating acne, redness, scarring and removing excess dirt, oil and exfoliating dead skin off. 

For more sensitive skin, use at least a 2:1 ratio of coconut oil to baking soda.  For more of an exfoliator, use a 1:1 ratio.

Just mix the ingredients together and apply to your skin, wet or dry. 

Either leave it on as a mask for a few minutes for a deep conditioning treatment or wash it off with warm water using gentle circular motions.

For an overall body moisturizer, apply coconut oil (only) directly to the skin and eat a tablespoon of it every day.  Coconut oil is the good kind of fat and can help to regulate our body weight too.

This recipe is designed to nourish and pamper your skin.  Taking care of ourselves on the outside, helps to nourish us on the inside. It's a kind way to create more harmony in our lives.

The beauty of this recipe is that it contains coconut oil and essential oils.  Coconut oil is a superior moisturizer.  It's soothing, calming and leaves no greasy residue on the skin. Organic, extra virgin coconut oil is the best.

Essential oils are very therapeutic and support our overall wellbeing and health.  I prefer Young Living Essential Oils and can assist you to purchase these oils if you're interested.

Our skin is our largest organ.  What we apply to our skin is absorbed into our body.  It's important to use the highest quality ingredients with no chemical or additives for best results.


6 Tablespoons coconut oil (solidified)
7 – 8 drops of Lavender Essential Oil

How to

Put 6 tablespoons of pure, solidified, organic coconut oil into a mixing bowl and whip it for 10 minutes using a hand blender at a low speed.

You need solid coconut oil. Liquid oil won’t work.

When the coconut oil gets light and fluffy, add 7 to 8 drops of Lavender essential oil and whip it for another minute.

Scoop it out and put it in an airtight jar.

Use and enjoy!